Monday, December 16, 2013


All my life I have seen the effects of divorce on kids. It largely affects these kids when they are little and even when they are grown up. I remember when I was little whenever my parents fought I immediately assumed that they would probably just get divorced because of the things that I heard in school. They always had to reassure me that that wasn't going to happen. Now that I am older I have gained my own perspective on divorce and I have come to the realization that there are only a few reasons why a couple should choose divorce but in most cases I think that working it through is always the awnser. Both people chose to live with each other forever and they knew the commitment that they were making when they got married. I think that that needs to be remembered. You loved each other to get married so you love each other to figure out your issues and do everything possible to keep it from falling apart. That is your promise that you made. KEEP IT

Growning Up

There are many different styles of parenting in the world. In Chicago you get a taste of all different kinds of parents and it can cause some friction within the society. I was always telling all my friends that my parents were the strictest and that they were always making my life hard. But my parents were so loving and were always there for me. They had rules but I was blind to the fact that they were trying to help me. But I wanted to rebel when they made more rules and that's where I think they went wrong. It was hard to be my own person and do what I wanted when I felt like everything I did was controlled. It made me want to show them that they had no control. So i lied behind their backs for awhile and our relationship was strained. But the last couple years we have worked together and compromised to come to a place in our relationship where we get along so well and can talk to each other and I don't feel the need to lie to them. Compromise is the key!

Daddy's Girl

Fathers have a big impact on our lives and can help us through the toughest of times. There was a time in my life where I rebelled against everything that they wanted. But my dad always had a warm heart and made me the happiest little girl alive when I pleased him. He has always been the rock in my life. He can be so disappointed in me yet can turn around in a day and love and support me. Fathers have all different kinds of roles and he has shown that he is doing the best he can in each role. He is a strong church goer and follows through on his callings and his duties as a husband and father. I am so thankful for everything that he has done in my life.